19th January to 29th February
"My Other Husband" is a novel by Dorothy Koomson, published in 2022. The story revolves around a mystery writer, Cleo, who finds herself in the midst of a divorce and is being framed for murder. The plot involves terrifying murders, complex lies, and a woman with no way to clear her name.
1st March to 4th April
“The Boy Made of Blocks" by Keith Stuart was published in 2016. The book is a heartfelt and emotional story that revolves around a father and his autistic son. The title metaphorically refers to the way the father, Alex, perceives his son, Sam, as being like a "boy made of blocks" due to his struggles…
5th April to 9th May
"The Birth of Venus" by Sarah Dunant published in 2003, is a historical fiction piece set in Florence, Italy, during the Renaissance. Sarah Dunant weaves a story around Alessandra Cecchi, a young woman with a passion for art, culture, and ideas. The novel explores themes of art, religion, love, and societal expectations during a tumultuous…
10th May to 13th June
Joanna Trollope’s “Mum & Dad" explores the issues at the heart of a modern family, focusing on the challenges faced by the family members as they deal with a stroke suffered by the father and the resulting upheaval in their lives. The story is set in the vineyards of Spain, where the family has built…
14th June to 25th July
"The Offing" is a novel by Benjamin Myers published in 2019. It is a coming-of-age story set in post-World War II England. The protagonist, Robert, befriends an older man named Dulcie and a friendship develops as they explore the countryside and discuss life, literature, and the future. The novel explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and…